Qut Legal Team

The QUT Law Library provides specialized legal learning and research support to students and academic staff, as well as: We also offer legal research workshops and interactive tours for high school groups. Our law degree has been carefully designed to prepare students for success in their future careers. Learn the key skills and knowledge needed to develop a legal career from real instructors. Some resources are available to legal practitioners and the public. Develop unique skills to enhance your employment opportunities, whether you choose to work in the legal fraternity or in the real estate industry. Our courses include detailed theory and real-world learning to provide insight into current legal issues. Learn from award-winning employees and gain industry contacts through placement opportunities. With courses designed and taught by industry experts, you will gain relevant knowledge about current legal issues. Combine psychology and law for a career in legal, entrepreneurial, government, mental health, or clinical, or as a first step toward a career as a licensed psychologist. We offer free legal services to all students currently enrolled in QUT. This service is proudly offered by McInnes Wilson Lawyers and can help: After graduation, Sarah hopes to travel abroad before officially entering the legal profession.

Tailor your learning to your skills, passion, and career goals with a Master of Philosophy or Doctor of Philosophy. Join a team of elite researchers and work with legal leaders to contribute to the legal profession. Study law to create a better world. Start your legal career with a bang with hands-on learning, experienced teachers and hands-on courses. It is important to note that this is a free legal advice service and cannot help you: Explore the intersection between digital technology and law with our data and technology law experts. Delivered online, you`ll gain the skills to manage legal risk in an environment of widespread adoption of digital technologies. Combine digital media and law for careers by applying your legal expertise in the communications industry or media literacy in legal areas such as data protection, freedom of expression or criminal law. Kasumi is in her final year of study and is pursuing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and Creative Industries with a specialization in Journalism.

Kasumi is currently a paralegal at a world-class law firm and plans to pursue a career in family law. We know how important practical experience is to our graduates. Our students complete internships and hands-on learning to make meaningful connections with future employers. Articling may include law firms, ministries or municipal legal centres. Combine film studies and law for a career as a director, media attorney in copyright or talent deal disputes, or filmmaker specializing in crime or legal content. Get practical legal education for admission to the legal profession with QUT`s Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice. Equip yourself with hands-on learning from industry professionals and complete a four-week internship at a law firm. We get your articling in the industry and provide you with important professional skills so that you can practice law after graduation. You can access a handy resource sheet from other providers for further legal questions here. If you have any questions about this legal department, you can advocacy@qutguild.com contact a QUT guild officer.

After completing her studies (in 2023!), Issy intends to pursue a career at a Brisbane-based law firm as a lawyer in family law or cooperation law. Issy is excited to be part of the AIT 2021 leadership team and to work with other women to support current and future QUT law students. We are building a just future for a changing world. We achieve this by promoting alignment between legal research, teaching and engagement, underpinned by a commitment to quality, innovation and compassion. Morgan has just completed her fourth year of a dual degree in Law (Honours) and Business (Economics) as a QUT Vice-Chancellor`s Fellow. She is also a paralegal at King & Wood Mallesons, a member of the QUT College of Excellence, a writer for QUT Law Society magazine and a volunteer with the Women`s Legal Service Queensland. We are an under-50 university offering law and law studies in Queensland. In 2021, Sarah is looking forward to working with this year`s Marketing Officer, Emily Doan, and the rest of QUTWIL`s leadership team to bring exciting new events to members and expand WIL`s online presence. She hopes to further broaden the membership base of society to create a welcoming and encouraging support system for students at all levels of their studies. We are one of Australia`s top-ranked law schools and train the next generation of the best and brightest lawyers. After graduation, Cameron plans to travel as humanly as possible and pursue a career focused on community service and humanitarian work. She is incredibly excited to be working with the 2021 leadership team, especially new Vice President Kasumi Scott, with whom she has worked closely since joining QUT Women in Law in 2019.

Our graduates are dynamic and forward-looking. We make a real impact by developing innovative responses to important problems with a focus on technology, environment and health. I always felt like I chose the right degree, but over time, my decision made even more sense. Center for Behavioral Economics, Society and Technology Bachelor of Property Economics / Bachelor of Laws (Honours). After graduation, Adriana hopes to pursue a career in international human rights law or humanitarian law. Ideally, she hopes to act as a legal advisor to the International Criminal Court or pursue a career with organizations such as the International Committee of the Red Cross or Amnesty International. Read blog posts from our students and legal research staff. Do you need support with family law, personal injury or wills and estates? Our courses prepare students for future careers as inspiring leaders and skilled management professionals ready to conquer the world. Combine industrial design and law for a career as an in-house lawyer for industrial designers or new product developers or an intellectual property lawyer.

Piyali is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and a Bachelor of Business Administration (Finance). She already has experience in companies such as 180 Degrees Consulting and QUTASA! Women in Law will be Piyali`s 3rd society, demonstrating her eagerness to participate in student life. This is Piyali`s first year on the QUT Women in Law leadership team, where she will assume the role of Events Director in 2021. She was previously the Director of Events for QUTASA and enjoys all the planning involved in making incredible and memorable events happen. She wants to bring that energy and passion to 2021 as she plans all of QUTWIL`s events. The information you provide is completely confidential and will only be accessed by a student advisor and a lawyer. Your application will then be reviewed and the lawyer will send you a counselling letter or contact you by phone to discuss your situation. Cameron is currently in his second year of a Bachelor of Laws (Honours), having completed a Bachelor of Arts (History and Archaeology) at the University of Melbourne and the University of Queensland. Cameron joined the QUT Guild in 2019 as an elected student representative. The Student Union is close to her heart and looks forward to bringing this passion to QUT Women in Law as the new President.

Piyali`s main goal as event director is to ensure that Women in Law adds value to its members through a series of social and networking events. Piyali is happy to be a part of Women in Law until day one, after which she hopes to pursue a career in family law as a happy graduate. If you have a specific time when you would like to be contacted or not, simply indicate this in your request. If your goal is to use your legal knowledge to make a difference for your community, country or the world, our degree provides you with the tools and opportunities to focus on the area of law you are passionate about. Specialized in health law, environmental law, intellectual property, data protection and commercial law, all taught by our research experts. Our dedicated oral argument courtrooms provide an immersive and real-world learning environment where students are mentored and assessed by lawyers, lawyers and judges. Increase your existing qualifications or prepare to practice law with a postgraduate degree that combines strong theoretical knowledge with real-world learning opportunities. Centre for Business Innovation in Mining Equipment, Technology and Services. Our courses provide students with a real understanding of how our world is shaped by economics and finance and how they can be part of change. If you have a problem that you want to discuss confidentially and for free, and you think it falls into one of the areas described, all you have to do is fill out the online questionnaire.

Last year, she had the pleasure of hosting WIL`s first online event, Forging Your Own Path: An Evening with QUT Law Alumni. This virtual panel gave members the opportunity to meet four of QUT`s most inspiring law graduates, including a Supreme Court justice, an Australia Day Public Service Medal recipient, and a partner in a world-class law firm. Driving Transformation – A Governance Framework for Critical Business Actors The Moot Court and QUT Labour Court provide a realistic environment for students to hone their advocacy skills and learn etiquette and procedure in the courtroom.