Why Business Major Is Bad

Please do not do a major in the BUS administration. Major in literally everything in business, including marketing. Don`t choose the generic business administration degree and you complain to everyone about how degrees don`t get you a job these days. If you`re engaged and passionate about studying economics, you can easily improve your math skills and pursue the major of your choice. All right. Don`t do a business major if you`re not interested in how it works. If you want to do economic research and so on, that`s another story, then you have to study economics, but in my experience, that`s the case in maybe 5% or less of engineering. Excellent advice. I am an electrical engineer with another degree in philosophy and another in accounting. General business education has always been crap. The same goes for engineering, but in a different way. Mix these 2 and you`re still half cooked. But when you add the social sciences and humanities, suddenly there is real meat.

The quantitative and technical elements add a necessary backbone to the meat. General Biz majors are a dozen (except for accountants) and it doesn`t matter what school you went to and how many millions of dollars you took home. Do it now, because you`ll probably never get a real education on the road if all your time is spent looking for jobs. This is not pride, it is a simple reality. Want to argue? Good! Philosophy will teach you how. There is a long history of this in literature and in many languages. I AM A CLASSICS MAJOR by UNC Chapel Hill – And that`s terrible advice!! When applying for jobs (private equity, IBanking, hedge funds, etc.), they look for candidates with a financial background such as accounting or economics.

Engineers are probably the most important most likely to end up in a dead end, unless you come to MIT and a few other elite engineering schools. I would say that in general, finance and other more difficult B majors do a lot more in 5 years than most engineers from the same or similar schools. Better raises, promotions and bonuses.

I know my mom was an accountant and she didn`t seem to like her job. This is my personal experience, which is why I want to know if the company has open opportunities and if the businessmen / women are happy.

At GA Tech, business management majors (called M-Train) are at the bottom of the intellectual ladder.

“When asked if they were financially `successful,` only 43% of business school graduates agreed with the statement.

This was slightly better than the numbers for social sciences or education graduates (42%) or humanities graduates (39%). But again. The people who have the most rewarding careers and earn the most money working in those careers are students who have earned degrees in science and engineering. 48% of these students say they are “thriving” financially today. Today`s students are often told to follow their passions and find a mission in life, but very few 18-year-olds or even 22-year-olds have enough experience in the world to know what really excites them. Choose a major that interests you, but let it and external experiences help shape your mission in life, not dictate it. But not all business majors are created equal in the job market. Research shows that majors in general business and marketing are more likely to be unemployed or underemployed, meaning they have jobs that don`t require a college degree. They also earn less than those in more mathematical majors, such as finance and accounting.

Don`t study in the liberal arts and try to find a job in business. (Unless the major is the economy or it`s a second major). What you could do is add a minor or second major. Math is a really good fit for finance or economics and you need more math for some graduate programs.

Most people will have similar results, whether they choose a legitimate business or engineering degree, that they should choose the career path that will make them happiest throughout their lives. It`s not like a decision between poetry and engineering, where you`re likely to eat Alpo for dinner if you choose the wrong one. You shouldn`t opt for engineering instead of accounting, because someone on the internet says you`ll make extra money that way, you should choose the career you want to have. There are many careers that usually lead to a comfortable middle-class life for smart people with the chances of wealth for the real big or happy.

Choose from these what makes you happiest and don`t worry if one earns 5.2% more than the other after 7.3 years. It`s really not important.

I was about to say exactly the same thing, but with harsher words, and I`m not even a business major. For all the people who want REAL advice, forget everything this article says. Liberal arts majors are the LAST things (no more hats) that employers want. All liberal arts majors mean you can`t make up your mind and you don`t have a profession in any field.